This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Friday, April 2, 2010

I don't like Facebook.

For several reasons.

1) Some people of Facebook:

a) The people with bad English. And PLEASE don't say "I know your English good. Dun lin arhzx." You are given a choice to learn basic primary-standard grammar.

b) People who send sh*t to you. "Friend X has sent you an invitation to ABC group" "Friend Y sent you a drowning sheep" You are wasting both of our time. What are you gaining?

c) The people who can't use real names. Your parents spent days or even months to think of a special unique that only you have. And you just CHANGE it to something like WeiLunzDemonSlayerx3. Do you know how hard is it to tell who I'm wall-to-wall-ing with sometimes? YOU owe ME 2 minutes of my life because I had to go to your profile and look at your pictures, THEN I have to strain my brain to remember your face. I have bad memory.

d) People who quote emo, lovey-dovey crap from movies and songs. Personally I think quotes should be limited to humour or advice. Not about some perfect boyfriend that never exist. "If aliens are looking for intelligence, then you don't have to be scared anymore."

e) People who say stuff that makes me say "Too much information", then puke in the kitchen sink.

f) People who tag me in a picture of a chair, or something to that extent.

g) The people who add you but don't know who you are in real life.

h) People who like their own messages. If admiring your own sayings doesn't make you sound any more arrogant, I don't know what will.

2) The great functions of Facebook that have been abused.

a) The "Like" button. Is "I broke my nail =(" worth liking 5 times?

b) The wall-to-wall. It was made so that people can send short sentences. Such as reminders or greetings. Now, people use it as a public MSN. You remember the testimonials on Friendster? Ditto. Not to mention you people are spamming my newsfeed.

c) The status newsfeed. Don't keep changing or posting your statuses. That's why they made Twitter.

d) The fan-made quizzes. Back when Facebook was just a student of MySpace, the quizzes was brimming with informative and fun questions. Nowadays, all I see is "What is your sex position?" and "What colour is your poop?".

e) The fanpages. At one point of its early, young life. People could become fans of actual things, places, or people. Why did they have to make fanpages like "You went offline when I wanted to chat with you?" It's not fun. At all. What makes you so special that you're the only person that has this problem?

3) The limited functionality/freedom of Facebook. Personally, given the choice of Friendster or Facebook. I choose the former. I don't want to see blue and white. I want colours, people. Also, why have Facebook? To reconnect with your old friends? I guess. But out of all of your friend list, there's probably only a handful that's really faraway. The rest you can meet in school the next day. Photos? Love it, point taken. The only reason I didn't cancel my account is so that I could laugh at the miserable emo people. I'm sorry, but "You're the drug and I'm addicted to you" is something out of a 60s drama. Grow up, people.

That's all. Feel free to post all your hate comments on my Facebook (LOL irony).

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