This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sad news.

I'm never blogging ever again.

Nah, I'm still gonna. But it won't be like the way I used to. No more full-time rants. Just normal stuff. But with small, zero-calorie, bite-sized rants sprinkled in between posts.

I'm sorry.

You and I both know this is coming. Let' face it. I'm running out of things to compain. Well, there still are at least 10. But if I do talk about that, I might get beat up the next day. So, yeah. I gonna lose my very little amount of readers. But Imma still be active though.

Hope you guys like my nw style of blogging. =\

Complaints of a neurotic 17-year-old

PS, anyone who knows how to put those mini-chat box things at the side, help? Comments please. :D

PSS Thanks for the 5000 page views. Most thanks to Vance Tan whom slightly helped publicize my blog, among others. :D

Here's his website~

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