This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The RMS Diner in KB.

Disclaimer: If you are the owner of this fine establishment (not sarcasm), please know that this is only an opinion. Your burgers are the best in Brunei. No kidding.

So, I'm sure most of you KB-ians and some Serians know about this restaurant. It's in front of the bakery and next to Zaika (?), which is also under the same management. I can't put up pictures 'cause I might get sued.

First off, I know what you're about to read is not worth ranting about, but I just can't help but point it out. They're called the RMS Diner. Fine. But the interior design is of a saloon. I don't get it. A diner is supposed to look like those restaurants with that 50s-retro feels where they serve food on roller-skates and has a jukebox and everything. Like this:

While a saloon is like those Western Spaghetti movies with the cowboys and stuff. Like so:

I know, lame rant. But still, it's something worth noting. On the side note, what I've showed you is a saloon. You may be thinking, "Doesn't a saloon look like this?"

Well, that's a salon. With one 'O'. Don't feel bad. It's a common misconception. =]

PS: The restaurant above it is a Vietnamese restaurant which has a poster saying it's "the best Vietnamese restaurant in town." Exactly HOW MANY Vietnamese restaurants are there in KB?

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