This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What goes through my mind when I'm in the bathroom.

1) When you're showering with hot water, then you flush your toilet, the shower gets cold. Does that mean that the toilet water is warm?
2) I don't like the feeling of cold air rushing to your body when you step out of the shower.
3) If you're using the bath tub, does that mean that you're swimming in your own filth? Sick.
4) Why is it that no matter how much you pour water into the toilet, it never fills up?
5) Why are toilets shaped like that? It's so weird looking. It looks like half a person.
6) Why are shower doors made from transparent/translucent material? Is it supposed to be a striptease?
7) Why can't there be a universal soap where you use one soap for your hair, body and face?
8) Does poop float?
9) Don't you find it sickening that after you pee, then when you poop, the poop falls into the bowl and the pee+water solution splashes to your butt?
10) It's funny how lizards come look at you shower.
11) When you flush the toilet, small water particles spread around the bathroom, and onto your toothbrush, even if your toothbrush has a case. That's why I keep my toothbrush outside of the bathroom.
12) Why did they call it a shower? What do you show when you clean yourself?
13) Ironic how Eau de Toilette is actually perfume.
14) Why do people put plants in bathrooms? Free fertilizers?

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