This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

OMG. I'm the (insert trait here) guy!

NOTE: If you don't want your name here, tell me.

Okay, so I've been in SMSA (thankfully) for a few months now, made a few new friends, and I've been thinking. Apparently, first impressions truly is the lasting impressions:

I'm the Glee guy to Jonathan.
I'm the stand-up comedy guy to Yee Hong.
I'm the homework guy to Alfred.
I'm the Math classmate to Vance.
I'm the guy-I-met-at-orientation to Eric.
I'm the Final Fantasy fan to Yek Jun.
I'm my-Chemistry-lab-partner to Bryan.
I'm (for some reason) the game freak to my ex-St. Margaret classmates.
I'm the guys-who-has-this-blog guy to Kuan Jong.

While to most people, either the guywho sits at-the corner and does Math. (It's not called 'Maths', FYI), or 'Sean's friend'.

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