This is a blog of opinions. Don't get pissed off. You know I don't like whiners.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 3~5: The long awaited sequel (and an apology)

Hello, world. Phew, I'm back. Yeah, I know. I kinda have let this blog dying, but it's not tally my fault. (Ok, maybe it is.) But I had exams, and writer's block (and video games I have to play). What? Don't judge me. I meant to put a "On hiatus" message here, but I never got around to it. (Before I post anything, I wanna also apologize for the lack of originality. So if this post is boring, at least you know now than get disappointed later. I'm only doing this cuz I can't just stop what I've been doing halfway.) So, yeah.

More Engrish. They should have anchored the ground. It might slide.

Oh, thank yu for teling me. My hed  relly did almost got nocked.

Sad. More shoe orphans. Seriously?

Now this is great hotel service.

Apparently the Pizza Hut here is so luxurious they even have their own brand of wine. God, all we have here is juice.

Translation: Malaysian rojak. I know right? And it costs around 80-90 BND cents. I bought it, and it wasn't rojak. Just vegetables and soy sauce.

Really? My house makes ice-cream too.

Ocean Park. They ripped me off. I thought it was Ocean World.

We rode the cable cars. It was high.

This was my mom's expression. She peed. Almost.

Did you know there are some jellyfish that are so small you can't put them in tanks or else when they swim towards the glass and hit them, they blow up? These aren't them.

I want this. It's a baby shark attached to some food supply.

Cutttlefish. Aren't they cute? They're like underwater bus. They just float there.

Laziest. Shark. Ever. It's just lying there.

Unicornfish. It just freaks me out. Look at it. Ugh.

A firefox. No, not what you're using right now, NERDS.

What's in those eyeballs? What happenes if it pops? So many questions! Do they sleep? Can they talk?

Last month, I saw a documentary featuring two pandas being rescued Sichuan after the earthquake. They're Jia Jia and An An. Then I went to Ocean Park and saw them. I saw like "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE."

Oh, yeah. Panda ass.

I know it sucks. Don't make me feel bad. The last three days of the holiday will be posted soon. Well, hopefully at least.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Holidays: Day 1 & 2 ~Bye Brunei~

Day 1
OMGeee~ I'm in Brunei Airport. Along the way I found these cool posters. (Not sarcasm)

When I saw this poster, I had the urge to take out my marker and write:

Also when I saw this:

I wanted do this:

I've always felt that putting your life jackets UNDER your own seat was a bad idea. When in a panic, wouldn't you naturally take the jackets in FRONT of you? If it were like that, then those in front wouldn't have any. =\

YAY! At Kota Kinabalu. City of primates and smelly, giant flowers.
I saw this sign board and immediately felt offended. The shops didn't sell anything from the East, neither was it delightful.

Lies! More lies! Another racial delight.

Day 2
Oh, yeah. On the way to China~ They wouldn't let me take photos when we landed because of stuff. Which kinda makes me wonder why we can't even bring tweezers and nail polish into the plane. I'm not going to hijack a plane with a pair of armpit pluckers. "Put your hands up where I can see them. I have hand lotion and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Ahhh, China. The land where things are made. The chair you're sitting on. The computer you're using. Your cat. Nah, I'm messing with ya.

I'm on a bus with no chair. Oh, my gawd!

Exit? That's a pillar.

The one thing I love about East Asia? Their Engrish. It's everywhere. The moment I used their toilets for the first time, I saw this:

So you bodybuilders have to pee somewhere else. HA!

They called this crystal chicken. I got sad when I saw them. Thought it was going to be see-through. You know, like, crystal? I should call my lawyer.

I ate my first pigeon. I didn't take photo because I thought it was chicken. Until I saw the receipt. It's clean de la. Not the one you find at the bus station wan.

Here at Senzhen, they just throw shoes on the street this is the 3rd pair I found at different streets on the same day.

When I got here, I peed myself. They have a place called Dong Men! (No disrespect to whoever's in charge of Men Dongs. Oops, Dong Men.)

I'm not exaggerrating when I say "There are no over-weight people there."(PS I didn't want to use 'fat' 'cause it might be offensive. Meh. =\)

Is the food there that bad?

At a Korean tepanyaki restaurant~~~ (Don't mind the PSP, I was Birth By Sleeping~ =D)

While I was grilling this piece of mushroom, I thought to myself, THE SCREAM!

For those who know at least the basics of art history, you should have seen this before:

Don't see the resemblance? Here, a face.

Really? Here, NAH!

Oh, yeah. WIN!

They have a maid cafe. YOU FREAKS, GO ENJOY!

They threw away more shoes.

So, yeah. Stay tuned for Day 3 of 8 days~

Oh, yeah. I noticed that people here yell at customers. With good intentions. Here in Brunei, sales people stare at you when you browse their shirts, afraid you might steal something. Over there, even if you just walk by their shop, they'll (literally) jump in front of you and scream at your face "We have discountz!!!!!!11111"

My mom forced me to wear these disgusting disposable underwear. They feel like old underwear that you've washed them til they thinned and became see-through. At the end of the day, you just throw them away. Oh, God, eww.

Sad news.

I'm never blogging ever again.

Nah, I'm still gonna. But it won't be like the way I used to. No more full-time rants. Just normal stuff. But with small, zero-calorie, bite-sized rants sprinkled in between posts.

I'm sorry.

You and I both know this is coming. Let' face it. I'm running out of things to compain. Well, there still are at least 10. But if I do talk about that, I might get beat up the next day. So, yeah. I gonna lose my very little amount of readers. But Imma still be active though.

Hope you guys like my nw style of blogging. =\

Complaints of a neurotic 17-year-old

PS, anyone who knows how to put those mini-chat box things at the side, help? Comments please. :D

PSS Thanks for the 5000 page views. Most thanks to Vance Tan whom slightly helped publicize my blog, among others. :D

Here's his website~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Awesome September~

I guess it's time for my bimonthly blog update. Not my fault bah. You know me always lazy/forgetful de lah.

September. The month of awesome. Quite a few reasons why I'm so hyped about the month of nine. For one thing it's the square of three. Which is a very sexy number.

September is what the people from TV Land call 'The Month of Premieres". This is the time when the TV people show new TV series or just season premieres. Either way, this year's line-up is gonna be epic. I'm not gonna introduce you to all of them, just my faves.

(OMG. Product placement~)

1) The Big Bang Theory
Genre: Sitcom
Duration per Episode: 22 minute (excluding commercials)

Chuck Lorre, creator of Two and a Half Men, made this godly comedy show whch focuses on a group of middle-aged physicists. Oh, and a hot blonde. But whatever. It started out really weak but gained massive amount of reviewers by the 3rd season. Now in it's fourth season, it is now the top-watched sitcom in the US, surpassing Two and a Half Men. That's right. Chuck Lorre has 2 hit sitcoms airing. That shows how much genius he is.

The name pretty much tells you what kind of jokes you might expect. SCIENCE! Of course, they also deal with other things, like their lack of social interaction and geekdom. Regardless of your social category, it doesn't matter wether you're geek, a nerd, a jock or a hottie, you'll soon fall in love with these characters.

This show is half of what I love. Science, video games, technology and arrogance. :D
Here are a few short clips just to show you a glimpse of how awesome this show is.

2) Glee
Genre: Musical comedy
Duration per episode: 40 minutes (excluding commercials)

There's nothing more a I can say about this. It just screams awesome. Probably since it shines its spotlight on the unpopulars, I can totally relate. I know, tears of joy. The show is the other half of things that I love. Broadway-style musical performances, dark humour, irony (and it's relatives: sarcasm, satire, etc), and social misfits.

For the ignorant and/or stubborn-as-an-ass. This is not High School Musical. Here's why

a) People don't sng out of nowhere. People on Glee don't just sing during math class, or dance during lunch time. It's a glee club. People sing during rehearsals, or concerts. Glee is a musical comedy, not musical-comedy. And, hell yeah, there's a difference.

b) It's just snarkier. The jokes here are very harsh, quick, snappy and bes of all, adult. ;)

c) It deals with real life issues. Unlike HSM where they encourage you to choose friends over a scholarship (Part 2 and 3), Glee deals with bullying, teen pregnancies, puberty, peer pressure, homosexuality and minorities, among other stuff.

3) Mike and Molly
Genre: Sitcom
Duration per Episode: 22 minute (excluding commercials)

Mike and Molly debuts this September. A love story about an overweight police and teacher. Created by *drum rolls* Chuck Lorre. If this becomes another hit, he's gonna get THREE hit TV shows. Can yu imagine how fat (no pun intended) his wallet is going to be? Since it's a new TV show, not many people know much about it and the other video releaed is a trailer, so here:

4) Sh*t My Dad Says
Genre: Sitcom
Duration per Episode: 22 minute (excluding commercials)

Based on a Twitter account (you read it right, Twitter). This sitcom follows a dad, well, the title is self-explanatory, played by the talented William Shatner of Star Trek and Boston Legal fame. Again it's new so just a trailer.

5) 30 Rock
Duration per Episode: 22 minute (excluding commercials)

It's a 5-year old show. It picked up dozens of big awards. It was named comedy show of the decade. Yet it's struggling to gain viewers. Not just here in Asia (especially Brunei) but in the US as well. What makes this show amaazing? It's written by Tina Fey. Comedy queen of this time. 30 Rock is loosely based on her experience as head writer on Saturday Night Live. There are 2 things that can kill a good comedy show/movie: Physical comedy and stupid people. But because Tina Fey is just so awesome, she actually made these two work in her show. Can't really comment much about this show much. Too awesome for words. But here's a great clip from the show.

6) Two and a Half Men

7) How I Met Your Mother

September is also the month the English versions Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep releases. Announced 6 years ago, 8 years in the making. Epic-ness can't get any bigger than this.

Also looking forward to Dj Max Portable 3. Some of you may know, I love music-based games. Not as much as RPGs but it's in my Top 3. I've been itching for this because there hasn't been a challeging music game for years. DJ Hero's too simple. Guitar/Band Hero's oversaturated and has become just a cash cow for Activision. And Pop'n Music is just fail. Horrible music, more horrible controls. Ugh. Just see how cool this game is. It's the sexier, slicker, smoother (what!?) o2Jam.

Another reason I'm gonna love this September? Imma go Hong Kong~ =] My first time out of South East Asia! My priority in Hong Kong? Their arcades~ They have Dj Max Technika, Pop'n Music 16, beatmaniaIIDX 17, jubeat knit, Taiko no Tatsujin 12 & 13, Drummania v6, 7 & 8, Guitarfreaks v7 and Dance Dance Revolution X2. Don't judge me. I'm proud to be a geek. (Oh, and FYI I've never played DOTA and Maple, just in case you eager beavers want me to exchange pixi dust or something.) :D

Oh, and I love autumn. It's not as hot as summer, not as cold as winter, not as bright as spring. Oh my god, I just realize something. It's autumn in Hong Kong. Oh, yeah~

And yeah, that's it. Oh, and to all my Muslim peers, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. (Please tell me I splet that right xD)

UPDATE (09/09/10)!!!!
I just remembered about the Tokyo Game Show~ They're having this massive video game conference in 16th Seeptember in, well, Tokyo (duh). Just yesterday they announced Dissdia 2 and Ace Attorney investigation 2~ <3

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Return of Pepsi Blue!

OMG! How many of you guys remember Pepsi Blue? It's Pepsi and, uhh, well, blue. Here:

Apparantly, it's back as Pepsi Gol.

It's friggin' blue!

Sorry if it's not my usually kind of post. So bite me. I'm just happy that now I can get diabetes AND turn my tongue blue.
While you roll your eyes at the simplicity of this post, look at these round eggplants I found at Hua Ho. They're nothing special but they're cute. And that's all that matters.

And here's what they look like if they had faces.
And here's one wearing a dress.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Cars cars cars. LAWL!

Sorry for the 2-month delay. I got nothing to say, then in Math, all of a sudden "Bham!". I got like 3 ideas already. Anyways, back to what I'm saying.


I can't understand why people find cars to be something someone would like. They're not puppies.
You know who you are, you Ferrari-wallpapered fanboy with your Lexus screensaver and Mercedes display picture. How can you say a car is beautiful? What aspect? Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like cars, it's just that it's not worth drooling over for.

What is up with dads and their obsessions with cars? They clean cars like a germaphobe clean hands in a bacteria research facility. I thought cars were made to make us not get dirt on us. Ooh, how about making a vehicle for your car so it won't get dirty? :D Bet my car has a college fund too.

Misc. car rants:
-What's the point of honking for someone's attention in a place with a lot of cars? You think that person's gonna know where the sound comes from?
-I LOL at people who buy expensive cars, but pay for like a buck for gas.
-I also LOL at people who buy cars that can go really fast, 'cuz it's pointless since everywhere has a speed limit.
- Leather seat => You're sitting on dead animal.
- You know those cars that their door opens like bird wings? Must be hell to open when you're in a full parking lot.

Anyway I won't talk much. I'm not really in the mood to rant. I'm doing this so that people don't notice my last post was in June.


Probably shouldn't have said that, huh. Anyway, follow my Twitter (on the right). I'll follow back if I know you. (smiley face here).

Ciao~ (It's not Chao, FYI. Chao's the guy on YouTube.)